Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Lesson on Wednesday, October 3, 2018 (L6.2)

Aim: How revolutionary was the American Revolution? What political, social, and economic changes did it produce, and what stayed the same? 

Bell Ringer: Current Events (CNN10)



Pop Quiz 6.2:

1. What nation made an alliance with the Americans during the Revolutionary War? 

2. This proclamation declared that any slave who deserted a rebel master would receive protection, freedom, and land from Great Britain. 

3. The Patriots won! Name one advantage that they had, as described in the reading. 


1. The French Alliance (POL, WOR)

*History Brief: Help from France (4 min)

2. War in the South (POL, GEO)

*Britain's Southern Strategy

*Philipsburg Proclomation

*Guerilla Warfare

*Map 6.4

3. The Patriot Advantage (WOR, POL)

*J36 / A: The Patriots won the American Revolution for a number of reasons including the French aid, the inspiring leadership of George Washington, the use of guerilla tactics, their knowledge of the land, and the commitment of the American people to the cause.

4. Diplomatic Triumph (POL)

*Trumbull's famous painting of the surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown is a helpful visual source for allowing students to examine the symbolism of the Patriot victory. An image of the painting, along with explanatory notes, is available at:

5. Exam Alert: The 2010 AP U.S. History exam asked students to analyze the political, diplomatic, and military reasons for the U.S. victory in the Revolutionary War. 
*It is important to examine why the Patriot cause succeeded. "British mistakes led to American Independence more than Patriot advantage" - Let's debate! 

Terms to know: Valley Forge, currency tax, Battle of Yorktown, Treaty of Paris of 1783,  

Home Learning: 

1. Read pages 196-204

2. Journal 37 - What aspects of the Pennsylvania constitution were most objectionable to Adams, and what did he advocate instead? 

3. Journal 38 - What impact did republican ideals have on gender roles and expectations during the Revolutionary era? 

Pop Quiz 6.2 answers

1. France
2. Philpsburg Proclamation
a. failed British military leadership
b. French aid
c. leadership by George Washington
d. local militias helped win Saratoga and defeated Cornwallis 
e. acceptance of depreciated currency, Continental bills (farmers and soldiers)

Section Assignments:

The State Constitutions: How Much Democracy? - Jeniffer
Women Seek of Public Voice - Brandon
The War's Losers: Loyalists, Native Americans, and Slaves - Sasha
The Articles of Confederation - Damariz
Shays's Rebellion - Suggi 

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