Monday, May 8, 2017

Lesson on Monday, May 8, 2017

Aim: How did political reform gradually expand suffrage and make the British Parliament more democratic during the 1800s?

Bell Ringer: Read "Dreyfus Affair" on page 550-551

1. Students will describe the 19th and early 20th century reform movements and their effects.

1. Bell Ringer (10 min)
2. Journal 102 - What was the Dreyfus Affair? YouTube:  (10 min)
3. Dreyfus Affair Caricature analysis (3 min)
4. Have students work on a concept map about their assigned section of the 'Growth of Western Democracies' note-taking guide. (rest of class)

Home Learning: Complete "Growth of Western Democracies" concept map.

Friday, May 5, 2017

Lesson on Friday, May 5, 2017

Aim: How did political reform gradually expand suffrage and make the British Parliament more democratic during the 1800s?

Bell Ringer: Primary Source on p.541 "Abolitionist Poster"

1.Students will describe the 19th and early 20th century reform movements and their effects.

1. Bell Ringer (5 min)
2. Brainpop: British Empire (5 min)
3. Have students complete the "Growth of Western Democracies" note-taking guide using their textbook (Prentice Hall World History pp. 534-533561), online resources, or class notes as appropriate. Teachers may want to guide students through completing the notes, have students work in small groups, or independently on assigned topics of the note-taking guide. (rest of class)

Home Learning: Complete NTG, Section 2 Assessment / Qs 3 and 5

Monday, May 1, 2017

Lesson on Monday, May 1, 2017

Aim: How did political reform gradually expand suffrage and make the British Parliament more democratic during the 1800s?  

Bell Ringer: Review previous quiz.

1. Students will describe the 19th and early 20th century reform movements and their effects.

1.Bell Ringer (10 min) 
2.Read pages 535-536 / Assign sections of the NTG 
3.The Victorian Age / YouTube link:  
4.Journal 101 – Describe what stuck out the most to you in the video about the Victorian Age.  (15 min) 
5. Have students complete the "Growth of Western Democracies" note-taking guide using their textbook (Prentice Hall World History pp. 534-533561), online resources, or class notes as appropriate. Teachers may want to guide students through completing the notes, have students work in small groups, or independently on assigned topics of the note-taking guide. (rest of class)

Home Learning: Complete your NTG