Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Lesson on Wednesday, October 17, 2018 (L7.5)

Aim: What was required to make the United States a strong, viable, independent republic in its early years, and how did debates over the Constitution shape relations between the national government and the states? 

Bell Ringer: CNN10 (current events) 


1. POL-3.0 - 


1. EOC Review Guide, pages 4-6

2. Chapter 7 Vocabulary Quiz

3. Chapter 7 Video: / review IDs while the video plays. 

Terms to know: Judiciary Act of 1789, Bill of Rights, Bank of the United States, Report on Manufacturers, Proclamation of Neutrality, French Revolution, Whiskey Rebellion, Jay's Treaty, Haitian Revolution, XYZ Affair, Alien Act, Sedition Act, Treaty of Greenville, Marbury v. Madison (1803), Louisiana Purchase, Embargo Act of 1807, Treaty of Ghent, McCulloch v. Maryland (1819), Adams-Onis Treaty, Monroe Doctrine.  

Home Learning: 

Begin Chapter 8

1. Read pages 248-256 (Skip Thinking Like a Historian)

2. Journal 46 - How did governments, banks, and merchants expand American commerce and manufacturing between 1780 and 1820?

Section Assignments:

Intro - Jeniffer
Banks, Manufacturing, and Markets (Banking and Credit): Brandon
Rural Manufacturing: Sasha
New Transportation System - Damariz
Public Enterprise: The Commonwealth System: Suggi

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