Thursday, October 18, 2018

Lesson on Thursday, October 18, 2018 (L8.1)


Aim: In eighteenth-century Europe, the leading principles were aristocracy, patriarchy, mercantilism, arranged marriages, legal privilege, and established churches. What principles would replace those societal rules in America's new republican society? 

Bell Ringer: EOC REVIEW GUIDE, pages 4-6


NAT-1.0: Explain how ideas about democracy, freedom, and individualism found expression in the development of cultural values, political institutions, and American identity.

POL-2.0: Explain how popular movements, reform efforts, and activist groups have sought to change American society and institutions.

WOR-1.0: Explain how cultural interaction, cooperation, competition, and conflict between empires, nations, and peoples have influenced political, economic, and social developments in North America.


1. Pop Quiz 8.1

A. A system of government-assisted economic development. 

B. In 1818 farmers and planters faced an abrupt 30 percent drop in world agricultural prices. This became known as... 

C. List new transportation systems that helped expand markets in the early 1800s. 


2. Banks, Manufacturing, and Markets (WXT)

*Banking and Credit

*Panic of 1819 (3:30min)

*Rural Manufacturing 

*J46 / A: Governments, banks, and merchants worked together to expand commerce and manufacturing between 1780 and 1820. State legislatures granted special charters, rights, and laws to private companies to promote economic growth and the market economy. States chartered corporations to dredge rivers and build turnpikes and canals to improve transportation and help get goods to marketplaces. Banks contributed to the expansion of commerce and manufacturing by making commercials loans to investors, merchants, and farmers. The penetration of the market economy into rural areas encouraged farmers to turn out more goods and merchants to engage in a large network of commerce. 

*The Yankee Peddler, c. 1830

*New Transportation Systems

3. Public Entertainment: The Commonwealth System (WXT)

Exam Alert: The 2003 AP U.S. History exam asked students how developments in transportation brought about economic and social change from 1820 to 1860. While later chapters will focus more on these developments, ask students to brainstorm an initial list of social and economic effects from the new developments in transportation mentioned in this chapter. 

Terms to know: neomercantilist, Panic of 1819, Commonwealth System, 

Home Learning: 

1. Read pages 256-264

2. Journal 47 - How did republican ideals, new economic circumstances, and changing cultural values affect marriage practices? 

3. Journal 48 - Which form of child rearing - the rationalist or the authoritarian - was the most compatible with republican values and why? 

Pop Quiz 8.1 answers: 

A. neomercantilist 
B. Panic of 1819
C. Improved roads (turnpikes), canals

Section Assignments: 

Opportunity and Equality - for White Men: Suggi
Toward Republican Families (Republican Marriages and Republican Motherhood): Damariz
Raising Republican Children (Two Modes of Parenting): Sasha
Debate Over Education: Brandon
Promoting Cultural Independence: Jeniffer


1. Panic of 1819 & Missouri Compromise: (7 min)

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