Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Lesson on Tuesday, October 2, 2018 (L6.1)


Aim: How revolutionary was the American Revolution? What political, social, and economic changes did it produce, and what stayed the same? 

Bell Ringer: Complete yesterday's video



Pop Quiz 6.1:

1. In this battle the British nearly crushed the Americans and forced them to retreat to Manhattan Island. Outgunned and outmaneuvered, the Continental army again retreated, eventually crossing the Hudson River to New Jersey.

2. Who won the Battle of Saratoga? 

3.  The particularly severe winter of 1777-1778 proved to be a great trial for the American army, and of the 11,000 soldiers stationed here, hundreds died from disease. However, the suffering troops were held together by loyalty to the Patriot cause and to General Washington, who stayed with his men.

THE TRIALS OF WAR, 1776-1778

note: Keep a chart of political, social, and economic continuities and changes during the American Revolution. You will use these notes to answer the Big Idea question.

1. War in the North (POL)

*J34 / A: Britain captured New York City in an effort to demonstrate Britain's military superiority as well as to seize control of the Hudson River, which would effectively isolate the New England colonies from the southern colonies. 

*Periodization: Declaration of Independence and the American Revolution in general, had a worldwide impact. When did the American Revolution Begin? Was the revolution a military, political, ideological, or social phenomenon? Let's discuss.

2. Armies and Strategies (POL, WXT)

*analyze map 6.1 and 6.2

*J35 / A: The American colonists were not easily coerced into the war. Men ignored the call to join the Continental army in favor of local militias, and men who were drafted to serve resisted enlistment without money and shorter terms of service. In addition, many of those who did serve were inexperienced. 

3. Victory at Saratoga (POL)

*https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZNpbSP6Glo (4 min)

*https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtb9W3mPVtE (7 min) If not enough time, watch for Homework. 

4. The Perils of War (CUL, NAT)

5. Financial Crisis (WXT)

6. Valley Forge (GEO)

*https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1Df1fmKVlc (2 min)

Terms to know: Valley Forge, 

Home Learning: 

1. Read pages 189-196

2. Journal 36 - Despite being at a clear disadvantage at the start of the war, the American Patriots won. Why? 

Pop Quiz 6.1 answers

1. Battle of Long Island
2. Americans
3. Valley Forge

Section Assignments:

The French Alliance - Suggi
War in the South - Damariz
The Patriot Advantage - Brandon
Diplomatic Triumph - Sasha
America Compared - Jeniffer 


Spies of the Revolutionary War (optional): 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=meFu7uct2DM (40 min)

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