Thursday, October 4, 2018

Lesson on Thursday, October 4, 2018 (L6.3)

Aim: How revolutionary was the American Revolution? What political, social, and economic changes did it produce, and what stayed the same? 

Bell Ringer: Current Events (CNN10)



1. Pop Quiz 6.3:

1. What's the  name of the  Treaty that ended the Revolutionary War? (year must be included)

A constitution that granted all taxpaying men the right to vote and hold office and created a unicameral (one-house) legislature with complete power: there was no governor to exercise a veto. Other provisions mandated a system of elementary education and protected citizens from imprisonment. 

3. The written document defining the structure of the government from 1781 to 1788, under which the Union was a confederation of equal states, with no executive and limited powers, existing mainly to foster a common defense. 

4. A land act that established a process by which settled territories would become the states of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin. It also banned slavery in the Northwest Territory. 

5. A 1786-1787 uprising led by dissident farmers in western Massachusetts protesting the taxation policies of the eastern elites who controlled the state’s government. 



2. The State Constitutions: How Much Democracy? (POL)

*J37 / A: Adams objected to the Pennsylvania constitution because it abolished a property requirement for suffrage and created a unicameral legislature. Adams feared that the abolition of the property requirement to vote and hold office would lead to the loss of land for the wealthy. Instead, Adams advocated education and property requirements for officeholders.  

*Pennsylvania Constitution of 1776: state the provisions of this constitution. 

3. Women Seek a Public Voice (CUL, NAT)

*A Radical Idea: Republican Motherhood (6 min)

4. The War's Losers: Loyalists, Native Americans, and Slaves (POL)

*J38 / A: Republican ideals had little impact on gender roles in terms of law, politics, and expectations. However, the republican ideals broadened female access to education because an educated citizenry became embedded within the idea of a good republic.  

5. Articles of Confederation (POL)

*What were the Articles of Confederation? (3 min)

*Continual Fiscal Crisis
*Northwest Ordinance of 1787

6. Shays's Rebellion (GEO)

*Shays' Rebellion (6 min)

7. Exam Alert: The 2005 AP U.S. History DBQ asked students to analyze the degree to which the American Revolution changed American society by addressing the social, political, and economic effects of the Revolution. 

Terms to know: Valley Forge, currency tax, Battle of Yorktown, Treaty of Paris of 1783, Pennsylvania Constitution of 1776, Articles of Confederation, Northwest Ordinance of 1787, Shays's Rebellion, Battle of Saratoga, Federalists, Antifederalists, currency tax, Virginia Plan.   

Home Learning: 

1. Read pages 204-211

2. Journal 39 -  How did the Constitution, in its final form, differ from the plan that James Madison originally proposed?

3. Chapter 6 Vocabulary Quiz and IDs due next class! 

Pop Quiz 6.3 answers

1. Treaty of Paris of 1783
2. Pennsylvania Constitution of 1776
3. Articles of Confederation
4. Northwest Ordinance of 1787
5. Shays's Rebellion 

Section Assignments:

The Rise of Nationalist Factions - Brandon
The Philadelphia Convention - Suggi & Damariz
     Suggi - The Virginia & New Jersey Plan, The Great Compromise
     Damariz - Negotiations Over Slavery, National Authority

The People Debate Ratification - Jeniffer & Sasha
     Jennifer - The Antifederalists
     Sasha - Federalists Respond, The Constitution Ratified 

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