Monday, October 1, 2018

Lesson on Monday, October 1, 2018

Aim: Consider whether the collapse of British authority in the thirteen rebellious colonies might have been avoided through compromise measures and more astute leadership. Was colonial independence inevitable, and was war the only way to achieve it? 

Bell Ringer: Current Events (10 min)



Check each other's IDs while the video plays. 

1. (15 min)

3. Chapter 5 Vocabulary Quiz

4. Collect Chapter 5 IDs

Home Learning:

Chapter 6

1. Read pages 182-189

2. Journal 34 - Why was control of New York City Britain's first military objective in the emerging war?

3. Journal 35 - What factors made it difficult for the Continental Congress to create an effective army?

Section Assignments:

War in the North - Sasha
Armies and Strategies - Suggi
The Perils of War - Sasha (extra credit)
Victory at Saratoga - Brandon
Financial Crisis - Jeniffer
Valley Forge - Damariz

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