Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Lesson on Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Aim: What new opportunities and risks did industrialization bring, and how did it reshape American society?

Bell Ringer: Grade and review PERIOD 5 UNIT EXAM (10 min)


1. The Gilded Age, an effect of Industrialization: Periodization 

2. Journal 85 - Why did large corporations arise in the late nineteenth century, and how did leading industrialists consolidate their power? (10 min)

3. Exam Alert: The 2012 AP exam included a DBQ that asked students to analyze the impact of the growth of big business on the economy and politics for the period of 1870-1900. 

4. What was the management revolution? vertical integration? 

5. Monopoly vs. Trusts

6. Standard Oil Company and horizontal integration 

7. Industrialists (captains of industry) vs. robber barons 

8. Journal 86 - What opportunities did the rise of corporations offer to different types of "middle workers" - those who were neither top executives nor blue-collar laborers? (10 min)

A: With the rise of corporations, a new class of middle managers and supervisors arose to oversee the work of industry. Middle managers took on entirely new tasks, directing the flow of goods, labor, and information throughout the enterprise. They were key innovators, counterparts to the engineers in research laboratories who, in the same decades, worked to reduce costs and improve efficiency. 

Home Learning: 

2. Journal 87 - How did conditions change for industrial workers in the late nineteenth century, and why? 

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