Friday, November 18, 2016

Lesson on Friday, November 18, 2016

Aim: How did the kingdoms of West Africa develop and prosper?

1.     Students will examine the internal and external factors that led to the fall of the empires of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai.
2.     Students will identify the physical characteristics and the human characteristics that define and differentiate regions.

1.Bell Ringer (10 min)

5.Gather into groups of 4 to begin "Early Civilizations of Africa Project"
a. Create a map outlining the major trade routes into and within Africa and identifying the major goods that flowed between civilizations during this time period through symbols on the map for the major goods traded.
b.  Create a poster, song, poem, video program or cartoon on one of the three Early African Kingdoms.
c.   List the major achievement of early African civilizations.
d.   Create a diary entry from an individual who was involved in the Bantu Migrations, highlighting their experiences, as well as their motivation for migration. What were the push and pull factors that ultimately caused them or encourage them to migrate.

6.Students are to negotiate what letter they will complete and begin work. (rest of class)

Journal 43 - How did the kingdoms of West Africa develop and prosper? 

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