Friday, October 21, 2016

Lesson on Friday, October 21, 2016

Aim: How did explosive conflicts between monarchs and popes affect the balance of power in Europe?

Bell Ringer: Read pages 67-68 “The Struggle for Italy” and “Church Power Reaches Its Height”

1.Students will describe the rise and achievements of significant rulers in medieval Europe.
2.Students will describe the orders of medieval social hierarchy and the changing role of the church.

1.Bell Ringer (10 min)
2.Underneath the "Pope or Emperor" graphic organizer, answer the two questions: 3. What obstacles did German emperors face in Italy?  4. How did Innocent III embody the Church's political power
7.Journal 31 - How did explosive conflicts between monarchs and popes affect the balance of power in Europe?

No HW!

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