Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Journals 11-20

Journal 11 – What caused the Abbasid dynasty to decline? Refer to page 130.

Journal 12 – What business practices were pioneered by merchants in Muslim lands?

Journal 13 – What elements characterized Muslim art? 

Journal 14 - Read page 135 "Muslim Advances in Astronomy" and answer the questions at the bottom in Journal 14.

Journal 15 - Use your completed 'Muslim Achievements' chart to answer Journal 15: What achievements did Muslims make in economics, art, literature, and science? 
Journal 16 - Write about a current event: local, national, or global.

Journal 17 – How did the Feudal System work?

Journal 18 - How did Charlemagne unify Europe?
Journal 19 - Describe the invasions of Europe that took place after Charlemagne’s death?
Journal 20 - How did Eleanor expand the usual role of medieval women? 

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