Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Lesson for Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Aim: What are the differences between Sunni and Shiite Muslims?

Bell Ringer: Think-Pair-Share 1. How did Muhammad become the prophet of Islam? 2. What are the duties required of Muslims? 3. How did Islam affect Muslim women?

1.Students will discuss significant people and beliefs associated with Islam.
2.Students will describe key economic, political, and social developments in Islamic history.

1.Bell Ringer (15 min)
2.Discuss Journal 8 (5 min)
3.Read pages 125 – 126 “Divisions Emerge Within Islam” (10 min)
4.Create a Venn Diagram. As you read, fill in the diagram with points on which Sunni and Shiite Muslims agree and differ. (10 min)

5.Exit Ticket: Describe the Sufis.

Home Learning: Read pages 126 – 128 / Journal 9 – what are three reasons for the success of Muslim conquests? 

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