Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Lesson on Tuesday, September 4, 2018


Introduction: Analyze "Thematic Understanding" on page 79. In pairs or groups, select a column from the table. Analyze and present to the class major changes that happened in the the world according to your designated column between 1450 and 1700. (10 min) 

Question to Consider:

1. How did the demographic changes outlined under the theme "Peopling" impact the developments that are listed under "Work, Exchange, and Technology"? 

(10 min)


Aim: How did the South Atlantic System create an interconnected Atlantic World, and how did this system impact development in the British colonies?

Bell Ringer: Introduction to Period 2 activity (10 min)


1. WXT 2.0



1. Exam Alert: material in Chapter 3 has been the topic of questions on the AP U.S. History exam four different times between 2002 and 2012.

*Give examples of how colonies along the southernmost Atlantic coast used slave labor to develop economies based on staple crops.

2. Proprietorship (The Carolinas, Jersey, Pennsylvania) (MIG)

3. The Navigation Acts (WXT)

*Table 3.1 - types of colonies

*Table 3.2 - note how the years of the Navigation Acts are clustered together (1651-1673, 1696-1699, 1732-1733, and 1750. Discuss why that might be the case and how clustering may have impacted England's efforts to exert effective control over its colonies. 

*The Dominion of New England (POL)

Stress the factors that promoted Anglicization in the British colonies, including religious tolerance and the spread of European Enlightenment ideas. The founding of Pennsylvania and the later discussion of John Locke's ideas provide clear examples of these forces at work. 

4. The Glorious Revolution (POL)

J14 / A: The Glorious Revolution sparked rebellions by colonists in Massachusetts, Maryland, and New York. As a result, the Dominion of New England was broken up, creating the new royal colony of Massachusetts as well as a great deal of strain between the colonies and England. 

*Causation: The Glorious Revolution had a significant effect on the colonies because it emboldened the colonists in Massachusetts, Maryland, and New York to successfully rise up against the hated Dominion of England. This led England's new monarchs to restore the old colonies, with the exception of Massachusetts Bay, which was merged with Plymouth and forced to amend some of its Puritan legislative restrictions. As a result, relations between England and its colonies improved, in part because William and Mary  ruled as constitutional monarchs.  


5. Exam Alert: Students will have to know examples of how continuing contact with Europeans led to cultural and demographic changes in native communities. The formation of the Catawba tribe and the experiences of the Iroquois and Creeks illustrate this concept. 

*Table 3.3 - English Wars, 1650-1750


J15 / A: Native Americans participated in imperial wars to enact revenge on their Native America enemies as well as Europeans who had taken their land. They also joined in the hope of gaining more power and land at the close of the conflict. 

Terms to know:  proprietorship, Quakers, Navigation Acts, Dominion of New England, constitutional monarchs, tribalization, 

Home Learning:

1. Read pages 90-103

2. Journal 16 - How did the South Atlantic System affect the British economy? 

3. Journal 17 - How did the experiences of slaves in the Chesapeake differ from their experiences in South Carolina? 

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