Monday, February 12, 2018

Lesson on Monday, February 12, 2018

Aim: How did the rise of large cities shape American society and politics?

Bell Ringer: "SAQ Introduction"


1. Thinking Like a Historian 18 review

2. Review Journal 103 / A: Muckrakers exposed political machines by the late 1800s, leading to the downfall of many prominent machines, such as Tammany Hall. The quest for personal gain limited the effectiveness of machines to serve the widest possible number of city residents. Major recessions also exposed the ineffectiveness of machines at meeting the daily needs of the homeless and the poor. Reform mayors began to oust machine politicians and provide the kinds of services that machines had provided before, such as building swimming pools and playgrounds. They created commission systems and advisory boards to run city governments and services. Some cities were more successful than others in adopting reform measures based on the driving force of reform-oriented mayors. Opposition from private business often prevented reformers from acting out the full program of city reform.


3. Progressivism (WXT, CUL), Cleaning Up Urban Environments (GEO), City Beautiful Movement (GEO), Social Settlement (MIG) (Hull House)

4. Pure Food and Drug Act (POL), National Consumers League (WXT), Women's Trade Union League (WXT).

5. Journal 104 - What were the origins of social settlements, and how did they develop over time? (10 min)

A: Jane Addams's Hull House in Chicago had evolved from American missions and also Toynbee Hall, a London settlement. Settlements provided an outlet for working-class people and immigrants to improve their lives and adjust to challenging city conditions. Settlement served cities by feeding, advising, and even sometimes housing city residents. They also provided an outlet for the talents and energies of elite and middle-class white women who wanted to improve the lives of immigrants and other city newcomers experiencing the challenges of city life. Over time, these goals evolved from working directly with and for working-class women, to assisting the entire working-class family. 

6. Progressivism: (15 min)

7. Exam Alert: The 2003 AP exam included DBQ that asked students to "evaluate the effectiveness of Progressive Era reformers and the federal government in bringing about reform at the national level" for the period 1900-1920.

8. Students should recognize that the public health movement arose because of deaths caused by unsanitary conditions. As Americans developed the scientific capability or eradicating disease, cities adopted policies that improved living conditions for the people most impacted by tenement house living. 

Terms to know: ALL OF THEM!

Home Learning: 

1. Study for tomorrow's Chapter 19 Vocabulary Quiz

2. Chapter 19 IDs due tomorrow.

3. Read Chapter 20, pages 636-644

4. Journal 105 - What factors led to close party competition in the 1880s? 

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