Friday, February 9, 2018

Lesson on Friday, February 9, 2018

Aim: How did the rise of large cities shape American society and politics?

Bell Ringer: Review Journal 101 / A:  Elite urban culture included art museums, the opera, and the symphony. Popular culture for the working class included vaudeville and Ragtime music. Young people in cities created a youth culture based on listening to music pioneered by African Americans and dancing that expanded ton include gay bars as part of a sexual experience new to urban America. Amusement parks like Coney Island provided a mass entertainment experience for the working class. 


1. Ragtime: (4 min) Scott Joplin

2. Blues: (4 min) W.C. Handy

How are these forms of music uniquely American?

3. Yellow Journalism, muckrakers, and political machines

4. Tammany Hall & Boss Tweed: (7 min)

5. Journal 102 - Why, given that everyone agreed machines were corrupt, did urban voters support them? (10 min)

A: Although corruption was widely acknowledged, urban voters supported political machines because workers could rely on them for jobs, emergency aid, and the only public services they could hope to obtain.  

6. City Utilities Assignment

In pairs, research where you would have to call to report the following problems in your city:

A. Broken street lights
B. Garbage piled up in the street or sidewalk
C. Abandoned car
D. Unsanitary water
E. Complaints about animal feces in your sidewalk
F. Looking for affordable housing

Home Learning:

1. Read pages 624-632

2. Journal 103 - How did reformers try to address the limits of machine government? To what extent did they succeed?

3. Scott Joplin: (35 min) (the whole album!)

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