Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Lesson on Tuesday, November 13, 2018 (L9.2)


Aim: What were the causes and consequences of the Industrial and Market revolutions, and how did they change the way ordinary Americans lived? 

Bell Ringer: Pop Quiz 9.2

A. the dramatic increase between 1820 and 1850 in the exchange of goods and services. This event reflected the increased output of farms and factories, the entrepreneurial activities of traders and merchants, and the creation of a transportation network of roads, canals, and railroads. 

B. a 364-mile waterway connecting the Hudson River and Lake Erie. Previously the longest man-made waterway in the U.S. was just 28 miles long - reflecting the huge capital cost of canals and the lack of American engineering expertise. 

C. aside from canals, name one thing mentioned in this section that linked the North and Midwest. 


1. WXT 2.0 



1. The Transportation Revolution Forges Regional Ties (MIG)

*Exam Alert: The 2008 AP U.S. History exam asked students to analyze the impact of the Market Revolution (1815-1860) on two of the following regions: the Northeast, the Midwest, and the South. Drawing on this chapter and Chapter 12, which deals with economic developments in the South, students can be asked to keep a chart tracing the impact of market growth in each of these regions. 

*Canals and Steamboats Shrink Distance

*J58 / A: If government support for transportation is the answer, the students should discuss the role of the state government in the construction of roads and turnpikes, and, in New York, of the Erie Canal. The federal government funded large improvements such as the railroads and the National Road. Each of these projects provided access to markets and bountiful resources. If technological innovation is the answer, the student should discuss the role of the division of labor, increased productivity, and the ability to take advantage of the nation's wealth of natural resources, including labor. 

*Map 9.2

*the role of the state and federal government in promoting economic development can be seen as a continuation of the debate between Hamilton and Jefferson that began in the 1790s over the proper role of government and industry versus agriculture. Do you see the government in this period as primarily Hamiltonian or Jeffersonian or a combination of both? 

*Railroad Link the North and Midwest (Map 9.3)

2. The Growth of Cities and Towns (WXT)

*Map 9.4 - What differences do you see between northern and southern railroad construction? How do you account for these differences? What were the long-term implications of these differences in railroad systems? 

*Map 9.5

*J59 / A: Western commercial cities like Pittsburgh and New Orleans expanded as regional hubs for the shipment of goods to the American West. They quickly became industrial centers as well. 

Because of industrial growth, large urban Atlantic coastal cities, such as New York, grew as ports for the shipping and financial industries, and as centers of new arrivals of immigrants. 

Smaller, internal cities grew as regional hubs for local farmers who shipped surplus grain and other goods for market resale abroad. Some cities grew large because of their location on water routes of communication, including inland cities on the fall line where rivers descended to the coastal plain. 

Terms to know: Industrial Revolution, division of labor, mineral-based economy, mechanics, Lowell System, machine tools, unions, labor theory of value, Market Revolution, Erie Canal, 

Home Learning: 

1. Read pages 301-311

2. Journal 60 - What were the moral values and material culture of the urban middle class? 

3. Journal 61 - How did the increasingly urban, capitalist economy of the northeaster states affect the lives of poor workers? 

Pop Quiz 5.1 answers

A. Market Revolution
B. Erie Canal
C. Railroads

Section Assignments

The Business Elite - Suggi
The Middle Class - Brandon
Urban Workers and the Poor - Jeniffer
The Benevolent Empire - Damariz
Charles Grandison Finney: Revivalism and Reform - Sasha 

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