Thursday, November 15, 2018

Lesson on Thursday, November 15, 2018 (L9.4)

Aim: What were the causes and consequences of the Industrial and Market revolutions, and how did they change the way ordinary Americans lived? 

Bell Ringer: CNN10 (current events)


1. WXT 2.0 


1. Read: America Compared p. 289 (10 min)

2. Thinking Like a Historian p. 298-299 (10 min)

3. American Voices p. 308 (10 min)

4. Chapter 9 Vocabulary Quiz (rest of class) 

Terms to know: Industrial Revolution, division of labor, mineral-based economy, mechanics, Lowell System, machine tools, artisan republicanism, unions, labor theory of value, Market Revolution, Erie Canal, middle class, self-made man, Benevolent Empire,moral free agency, temperance society, nativism, Key People: Eli Whitney, Frances Cabot Lowell, Samuel Slater.   

Home Learning: 

1. Read pages 314-322

2. Journal 62 - What was the relationship between the growth of democracy and the emergence of political parties? 

3. Journal 63 - What were the successes and failures of John Adams's presidency, and what accounted for those outcomes? 

Pop Quiz 9.3 answers

No Pop Quiz today

Section Assignments

Introduction to Chapter 10 (page 314) & research the painting on  page 315 - Sasha
The Decline of the Notables and the Rise of Parties - Brandon
Election of 1824 - Jeniffer
The Last Notable President: John Quincy Adams - Suggi 
"The Democracy" and the Election of 1828 - Damariz 

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