Monday, December 12, 2016

Lesson on Monday, December 12, 2016

Aim: How did Spain and Portugal build colonies in the Americas?

Bell Ringer: Grade and review V1.29-30 “Las Casas Cares”

1.     Students will examine the various economic and political systems of Spain in the Americas.
2.     Students will recognize slavery and other forced labor during the 13th - 17th centuries in East and West Africa.

1.Bell Ringer (10/15 min)
2.All-Write-Round-Robin: (15 min)
A.     Name three reasons why the Conquistadors were able to defeat the Tainos, Aztecs, and Incas, despite being outnumbered.
B.      What impact did the Aztecs' religious beliefs have on Cortes's approach to Tenochtitlan?
C.      Describe the Encomienda system.
D.    Draw a social class system and place these in their proper order: Africans, native americans, mestizos/mulattoes, creoles, peninsulares.
E.What was the role of the Church in colonial education?

Home Learning: NO HW!

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