Thursday, December 22, 2016

Lesson on Thursday, December 22, 2016

Aim: How did the voyages of European explorers lead to new economic systems in Europe and its colonies? 

Bell Ringer: Journal 58 – Describe inflation and capitalism in your own words. 

1.   Students will evaluate the impact of the Columbian Exchange on Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Americas. 
2.   Students will examine the various economic systems of the Netherlands, France, and England in the Americas.

1.Bell Ringer (10 min)
2.Steven Spielberg’s “The Middle Passage” documentary w/ movie guide (rest of class)

1. Chapter 15 All-Write-Round-Robin: (15 min) 
    A.  Name three reasons why the Conquistadors were able to defeat the Tainos, Aztecs, and Incas, despite being outnumbered. 
    B. Describe the Encomienda system. 
    C. Draw a social class system and place these in their proper order: Africans, Native Americans, Mestizos/Mulattoes, Creoles, Peninsulares. 
    D. How did the Atlantic slave trade shape the lives and economies of Africans and Europeans?

    E. How did the voyages of Europe explorers lead to new economic systems in Europe and its colonies? 

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Lesson on Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Aim: How did the voyages of European explorers lead to new economic systems in Europe and its colonies?  

Bell Ringer: Journal 57 – Would the growth of the American colonies have been different if there had been no Atlantic slave trade? Explain. 

1.SS.912.W.4.12 Evaluate the impact of the Columbian Exchange on Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Americas.  
2.SS.912.W.4.13 Examine the various economic systems of the Netherlands, France, and England in the Americas.

1.                        Bell Ringer (10 min) 
2.                        Copy G.O. "Effects of Global Contact" on a loose leaf. (5 min) 
3.                        Read page 305-308 "The Columbian Exchange" and "A Commercial Revolution" (15 min) 

Lesson on Monday, December 19, 2016

Aim: How did the Atlantic slave trade shape the lives and economics of Africans and Europeans?  

 Bell Ringer: Read pages 303-304 "Horrors of the Middle Passage" and "Impact of the Atlantic Slave Trade" (10 min)

1.   Students will explain the origins and impact of the trans-Atlantic slave trade. 

1.   1. Bell Ringer (10 min)
2.   Complete graphic organizer "The Atlantic Slave Trade" in groups or independently (10 min)
3.   Journal 55 – How did enslaved Africans resist captivity? (10 min)
4.   Answer the essential question on a loose leaf and submit to the teacher for a grade: "How did the Atlantic slave trade shape the lives and economies of Africans and Europeans?" (at least ½ page)

5.   Students must submit 1. completed Essential Question assignment at the end of the period, and 2. Last night’s homework “Brainpop: Advanced Activity”.

Tonight’s Home Learning: Journal 56 – What European assumptions about Africans does the Atlantic slave trade show?

Friday, December 16, 2016

Lesson on Friday, December 16, 2016

Aim: How did the Atlantic slave trade shape the lives and economics of Africans and Europeans?  

Bell Ringer: Copy the G.O. on page 301

1.               SS.912.W.4.15 Explain the origins and impact of the trans-Atlantic slave trade. 

1.               Bell Ringer (10 min) 
2.               Review HW (p. 299 questions 1 and 2) (5 min) 
3.               Brainpop: Slavery (5 min) 
4.               Read pages 301 – 303 "Triangular Trade Across the Atlantic" and "The Middle Passage: A Forced Journey" (10 min) 
5.               Journal 54 – How did triangular trade affect colonial economies? (10 min) 
6.               Below the G.O. answer questions 1 and 2 on page 303.  

 HOME LEARNING: Brainpop: Slavery (Advanced Research handout) 

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Lesson on Thursday, December 15, 2016

Aim: Why was the French and Indian War fought?

Bell Ringer: Read page 300 then complete Journal 53 – Why was the French and Indian War fought?

1. Students will examine the various economic and political systems of France in North America.

1. Bell Ringer (10/15 min)
2. Discuss Journal 52 (5 min)
3. Complete and review G.O. (10 min)
4. Brainpop: French & Indian War

HOME LEARNING: Page 299, questions 1 and 2 (complete on the same paper as the G. O.)

Who fought in the French & Indian War?


Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Lesson on Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Aim: How did European struggle for power shape the North American continent?

Bell Ringer: Read pages 296-297 "Building New France." Then create the G.O. on page 296. (10 min)

1.                        Students will examine the various economic and political systems of France in North America.

1.Bell Ringer (10 min)
2.Read pages 297-298 "The English Colonies" (7/10 min)

3.Journal 52 – Why did French settlers abandon farming in favor of fur trapping and trading? (10 min) 

Below are images of page 297-298 "The English Colonies" in case you did not read it or we did not complete it in class. 

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Lesson on Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Today we watched a documentary about the conquest of the Inca empire. Please watch the video below and answer the questions.

Title: Spanish Conquest of The Incas Empire - Life Documentary


Monday, December 12, 2016

Lesson on Monday, December 12, 2016

Aim: How did Spain and Portugal build colonies in the Americas?

Bell Ringer: Grade and review V1.29-30 “Las Casas Cares”

1.     Students will examine the various economic and political systems of Spain in the Americas.
2.     Students will recognize slavery and other forced labor during the 13th - 17th centuries in East and West Africa.

1.Bell Ringer (10/15 min)
2.All-Write-Round-Robin: (15 min)
A.     Name three reasons why the Conquistadors were able to defeat the Tainos, Aztecs, and Incas, despite being outnumbered.
B.      What impact did the Aztecs' religious beliefs have on Cortes's approach to Tenochtitlan?
C.      Describe the Encomienda system.
D.    Draw a social class system and place these in their proper order: Africans, native americans, mestizos/mulattoes, creoles, peninsulares.
E.What was the role of the Church in colonial education?

Home Learning: NO HW!

Friday, December 9, 2016

Lesson on Friday, December 9, 2016

Aim: How did Spain and Portugal build colonies in the Americas?

Bell Ringer: Review BP Conquistador worksheet

1.     Students will identify the physical and human characteristics that define and differentiate regions.
2.     Students will interpret populations growth and other demographic data

1. Bell Ringer (10 min)
2. Read pp.293-295 "Colonial Society and Culture" and "Beyond the Spanish Empire" (10 min)
3. Complete G.O. on page 291, staple with previous G.O. on page 286.
4. Complete: "Spanish/Portuguese Empire Venn Diagram" / Journals 41-50 will be graded at this time. (30 min)
5. Journal 51 – How might the Spanish have solved the problem of finding dependable labor supply without the use of slavery?

Home Learning:
Use the images below of chapters 29 and 30 to complete the questionnaire given at home. If you need a copy of the questionnaire (if you were absent), email me at 

V1.29-30 "Las Casas Cares" 

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Lesson on Thursday, December 7, 2016

Aim: How did Spain and Portugal build colonies in the Americas?

Bell Ringer: Review and grade Brainpop worksheets.

1.     Students will examine the various economic and political systems of Spain in the Americ0.
2.     as.
3.     Students will recognize slavery and other forced labor during the 13th - 17th centuries in East and West Africa.

1.Bell Ringer (10 min)
2.Copy G.O. on page 291 (5 min)
3.Read pp 291-293 "Ruling the Spanish Empire" (10 min)
4.Journal 50 – Describe the Encomienda System (10 min)
5.BP: Conquistadores (10 min)

Home Learning: Complete BP Conquistador worksheet.

Username: Yonkers14
Password: Yonkers

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Lesson on Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Aim: How did Spain and Portugal build colonies in the Americas? 
Bell Ringer: Timed-Pair-Share “Conquest of New Spain” 
1. Who were the conquistadors and what did they do? 
2. Describe immunity. 
3. How did Cortes conquer the Aztecs? 
4. How did Francisco Pizarro conquer the Inca? 

  1. Students will examine the various economic and political systems of Spain in the Americas. 
  1. Bell Ringer (15 min) 
  1. BP: Aztec Civilization (10 min) 
  1. BP: Inca Civilization (10 min)   
  2. Home Learning: Complete Brainpop assignments.
  3. Brainpop username: Yonkers14 / Brainpop password: Yonkers 
  4. We watched the two following episodes: Aztec Civilization and Inca Civilization

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Lesson on Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Aim: In what ways did Native Americans resist Europeans?

Bell Ringer: "Diaz Sets the Record Straight" and answer questions 1 and 2 on paper.

1.Students will examine the various economic and political systems of Spain in the Americas.

1.Bell Ringer (10 min)
2.Review HW/Bell Ringer and section 1 G.O. (10 min)
3.Read pages 280-290 "Pizarro Takes Peru" and "Effects of the Spanish Conquistadors" (10 min)

4.Complete G.O.

No Home Learning! 

Monday, December 5, 2016

Lesson on Monday, December 5, 2016

Aim: How did Spanish conquistadors treat the Tainos?

Bell Ringer: Journal 49 – Who discovered America? Explain

1.     Students will determine the impact of Meso and South American rulers such as Moctezuma.
2.     Students will examine the various economic and political systems of Spain in the Americas.

1.1. Bell Ringer (10 min)
2.Introduction to lesson (10 min)
3.Read p.p.286-288 "First Encounters in the Americas" and "Cortes Conquers Mexico" (10 min)
4.Copy the G.O. on page 286 and complete the first two boxes. (10 min)

5.Exit Ticket: What impact did the Aztecs' religious beliefs have on Cortes's approach to Tenochtitlan?

Friday, December 2, 2016

Lesson on Friday, December 2, 2016

Aim: What factors influenced the development of societies in Africa?

Bell Ringer: Answer E.Q.2 (You should have two E.Q.s answered in one paper. Title it "East Africa Essential Questions" and submit. (10 min)

1.     Students will compare the developments in East, West, and South Africa.

1.Bell Ringer (10 min)
2.Grade and review HW "African Culture Expressed in Art" Qs 1-2 (5-10 min)
3.Read pages 173-175 "Political Patterns", "Religious Beliefs", and "Traditions in Art and Literature" (10 min)
4.Complete "African Society" G.O. (rest of class)
5.Grade Sections 3 and 4 G.O

6.Home Learning: Home Learning: Journal 48 – Describe the religious beliefs in medieval Africa.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Lesson on Thursday, December 1, 2016

Aim: What factors influenced the development of societies in Africa?

Bell Ringer: East Africa Think-Pair-Share

1. What influence did religion and trade have on the development of East Africa? (you may use your HW)
2. Why did Ethiopia become increasingly isolated from its neighbors over the centuries?
3. What evidence suggests that Great Zimbabwe was a center of trade?

1.     Students will compare the developments in East, West, and South Africa.

1. Bell Ringer (10 min)
2. Review and grade HW, add new essential question (5 min)
3. Copy Section 4 G.O. "African Societies" below Section 3 G.O. (5 min) Copy the essentia
4. Silent reading p.p. 171-172 "Family Patterns" (read intro together) (10 min)
6. Journal 47 – How did Kinship help identify an individual's place in his or her society? (10 min)

Home Learning: p.p. 172 – 173 "African Culture Expressed in Art" Qs 1-2

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Lesson on Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Aim: How did trade influence the city-state of East Africa?

Bell Ringer: Silent Reading pp. 168-170 “East African City-States” and “The Stone Houses of Great Zimbabwe”

1.     Students will analyze the effects of trade on the preservation and diffusion of culture.

1.Bell Ringer (15 min)
2.Review J45 (5min)
3.Journal 46 – How do the ruins of Great Zimbabwe reflect the capital’s former prosperity? (10 min)
4.Complete “Effects of Trade on East African Societies” GO. (10 min)

Home Learning: Use your flow chart (GO) to answer the essential question: What influence did religion and trade have on the development of East Africa?

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Lesson on November 29, 2016

Aim: How did religion and geographic isolation shape Axum and Ethiopian culture?

Bell Ringer: On a loose leaf copy the diagram on page 166.

1.     Students will compare developments in East, West, and South Africa.
2.     Students will analyze the effects of trade on the preservation and diffusion of culture.

1.Bell Ringer (5 min)
2.Read pages 166-168 “Axum: Center of Goods and Ideas” and “Ethiopia: A Christian Outpost” (10-15 min)
3.Journal 44 – How did the spread of religion affect the kingdom of Axum? (10 min)

Home Learning: Journal 45 – How did the geographic isolation of medieval Ethiopia shape it?